
The establishment of the voluntary organization – Kamalnishtha Sansthan (KNS) is inspired by personalities such as Late Kolu Singh, a freedom fighter and social reformer, and Late Choudhary Begaram, a freedom fighter and soldier in Azad Hind Fauj (INA). These two personalities are the two thought pillars behind every work performed by the organization. Registered under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act of 1958, 80 FCRA, and Persons with Disabilities Act 52 (92) of 1995, KNS is also exempted under section 12A and 80G-5(F) of the Indian Income Tax Act. KNS is a non-profit and community-need based organization which is of the people, by the people, and for the people working directly with the poor and marginalized. Our strategic focus is to create an enabling environment in which people have access to opportunities – to maximize their potential, to participate actively in the development process, and shape the present and future of their communities and country. KNS is actively run by its founder Dr. Dharampal Singh, who is a social worker and devoted his life to the education and welfare of society.



To reach the unreached and impart equality and opportunities concerned with sustainable development to catalyze the process of human development maintaining harmony with mother Earth.



Kamalnishtha Sansthan has a sound knowledge base of the society and development pedagogy, the right attitude, and commitments to achieve the socio-environmental goals in a variety of contexts of which KNS would work in the future. KNS makes quality and defining element of social welfare through a combination of self and external commitments for unending enthusiasm and devotion to quality improvement for sustainable development.

The organisation strives for excellence in education and rural technology; women empowerment, advances in vocational applications, khadi and village industries, legal matters concerning intellectual property, environmental balance, agricultural betterment, consumer protection, civil rights, social awareness, social evil eradication, differently abled people welfare activities, RCH activities, SHG training, research & development, de-addiction, employment-oriented activities, biocontrol laboratory, senior citizen’s care, rain water harvesting, animal conservation, small scale industries promotion, cluster of artisans for self-sufficiency, bolstering culture and heritage,  providing people with right information, case studies, etc.



  1. Extension of educational and health services.
  2. To encourage women and child development programmes.
  3. To make efforts for land conservation and environment preservation.
  4. To make efforts to preserve historical and cultural heritage.
  5. To make efforts for social awareness.
  6. To encourage productivity oriented economic programmes for sustainable development.
  7. To develop mass opinion for solving universal problems.
  8. To adapt suitable means for propagation and spreading of education in general, physical education, women’s education, Non-formal education, alternative education, continuing education, employment-oriented education, technical education, teacher’s training, adult-education, nutrition education etc.
  9. To establish and run educational institution, crèches, Anganwadi and other training centers for spreading education and to make efforts for making available cheaper text books, audio-visuals and other materials.
  10. To make efforts for socialization of education, residential primary education and for improving the standard of education.
  11. To conduct sports programmes for physical development and to establish and run a sports complex.
  12. To educate people about de-addiction and start de-addiction centre for treatment of the adicts.
  13. To encourage cleanliness in village and use of clean drinking water and establish multipurpose service centers for village development.
  14. To make arrangements for citizenship education and to educate people in this regard for citizen’s awareness and for awakening the village representatives to develop leadership quality.
  15. To undertake necessary agricultural activities and training to educate the farmers about the fertilizers and chemicals used for agriculture.
  16. To conduct different activities for the welfare of youth, such as youth clubs, youth centers and conducting excursions, seminars and youth exchange programmes.
  17. To make efforts for the educational, social, economic, cultural uplifting of orphans, helpless, old, handicapped, backward and deprived persons and to arrange for their rehabilitation by establishing shelter homes.
  18. To organise deliberations, lectures, conferences, meetings, workshops to consider solutions for eliminating the universally faced social, economic, educational, cultural, political, philosophical, moral, health- related, environmental and other problems and to publish and circulate the results thereof as may be necessary.
  19. To have networking with such other organizations, institutions and societies whose objectives are similar to that of Kamalnishtha-Sansthan and to associate with them as may be necessary.

The Kamalnishtha Sansthan, beginning her life in the lap and fragrance of the sands of Kolsia, District Jhunjhunu [Rajasthan] feels blessed and privileged to welcome you for the invocation to Mother Sarswati. Kolsia contains the very essence of our rich rural culture heritage and eloquence.  You are cordially invited to encourage us for the noble endeavor and adventure.

Kolsiya, established by Late Shri Kolu Singh, the eminent freedom fighter, and social reformer, has been standing for democratic values and social justice against medieval tyranny and feudalistic exploitation since its very settlement as a tiny Jakhro Ki Dhani.  Invoking the Goddess Saraswati, this institution, as a further step in the ever-advancing process of social transformation dedicates herself to the noble cause of the spread of education & entreats the desirable active co-operation of the enlightened people like you.

Kolsiya is also a representative village of the Shekhawati Region, countrywide known for rich cultural and artistic heritage, leading business groups of the country, military services, rural education, and upliftment. After the establishment of the Sansthan, we feel pleasure to inform you that we have succeeded in achieving our targets so far because of the scholarly guidance and supervision of our learned Patrons and the Board of Advisors and imparting remarkable and valuable services in the field of education, social awakening, agriculture and various progressive schemes.